Science behind DNA Activation 

Science behind DNA Activation 

Often the recommended place to start on the path with the Modern Mystery School is a private healing session called the Life Activation. This process of DNA activation traces back over 3000 years to the time of King Salomon, and is a prerequisite to the core Mystery...
Combat Stress with Reconnection & Self-Care

Combat Stress with Reconnection & Self-Care

Stress…this is a word and a feeling many people know all too well. Stress is your body’s reaction (physical, mental or emotional) to life events, both good and bad. It’s a common part of everyday life. Stress can come from both internal and external factors in the...
Dispelling Myths about the Modern Mystery School

Dispelling Myths about the Modern Mystery School

There seems to be a theme happening in the media with negative content attacking others for the purpose of pure enjoyment. Why not do good in the world instead? Recently a slanderous article came out about people associated with the Modern Mystery School, including...
Dealing with Change Through the Lens of Leadership

Dealing with Change Through the Lens of Leadership

Lately, I have been hearing a lot from people about how they ‘can’t wait for things to go back to normal’. I have also been hearing a lot of people express that ‘we cannot go back to the way things were’. These are interesting and unprecedented times for many of us to...
The Anti-Comfort Zone

The Anti-Comfort Zone

True transformation and growth takes place just beyond  your “comfort zone”.  That means if you really want to make a leap, it may not always feel comfortable. However, the more you practice living the “anti-comfort zone life” the more...