Stress…this is a word and a feeling many people know all too well. Stress is your body’s reaction (physical, mental or emotional) to life events, both good and bad. It’s a common part of everyday life. Stress can come from both internal and external factors in the world around you, but when does stress become too much? 

The world can be an overwhelming and busy place.  Most people talk about how there is always so much going on with family, work, friends, holidays, get togethers, children’s events and the list goes on.  It can be a wonderful thing to be busy and be involved in multiple things, but how many of us realize when we need to take time for ourselves?

Reconnect with Inner Self

I know stress really well. When I am feeling like I need to recharge, I have found it very helpful to take quiet time for myself. To reconnect with my inner self, or my higher self is to reconnect to who I am at the core of my being.  Connecting with myself means going inward and connecting without having the TV on or even listening to music. At times when I feel so stressed, it can lead to feelings where my nerves are heightened or even feelings of anxiety or panic. When these feelings come on it’s difficult for me to slow down my mind.  Taking the time to meditate during these times is extremely important, and I certainly recommend this. When feelings are more difficult and it can be harder to calm the mind, however, there are variations to try when you meditate.

Find your Joy!  

In order to find joy, we need to first ask, what is joy? Joy is more than happiness, it is an expression of who you are at the core of your being. A connection with your soul, seen, experienced and expressed in the world around you. It is loving yourself wholeheartedly and living life alive with wonder, curiosity and expressing that through your uniqueness.

Steps to connect with your joy:

  1. Connect with what makes you smile, what brings you energy and a zest for life.
  2. Think about what you do for fun or what you’ve wanted to do, consider new adventures, goals and dreams (example: a bucket list).  
  3. Surround yourself with people you feel comfortable with, who appreciate and love you, who see you for the beautiful and amazing person you are.
  4. Take time for yourself, you and only you. Find a hobby that brings you joy such as cooking, painting, sewing, woodworking, exercising, journaling, etc.

Once you identify what will bring you joy, these activities should be part of your self-care and part of your daily routine.

Finding joy isn’t always easy, but is essential for your well-being

If you’ve lived life for a while without joy, it may be hard to find it at first. That’s ok! When you’re used to being overworked and overstressed, it can become your norm. The minute you recognize this and choose to shift it is the minute you start to take control back in your life, but no change is easy! So know that even if it isn’t easy, it will be so worth it in the end. Being in a state of joy isn’t just a nice thing to have, it is essential for your well-being. Because of this, I have a few tips below to keep in mind when finding your joy.

When finding your joy:

  • Have fun! Be open minded and willing to try new things. Don’t take it too seriously! Explore. You never know what you might learn about yourself while discovering a new outlet for experiencing more joy in your everyday life.
  • Don’t overthink it! Flow with energy and feelings that come in and allow yourself to express them!
  • Be productive! Not in a perfectionist, stressful sort of way, but while you are exploring, try seeing something from start to finish. The feeling of completion can be a powerful thing and bring joy!
  • Laugh! Joy is so much easier to find when you sprinkle in humor. Surrounding yourself with people who make you laugh, or going to a movie/event that makes you laugh can be powerful! Find moments of laughter. It can lift the heaviness of stressors and worry you are feeling.
  • Be thankful. Find a way to look at your situation differently with gratitude – gratitude of where you are at, what you have in your life, the accomplishments that have lead you to this point, the ‘aha moments’ along the way, and your unique journey.
  • Get creative! This one is a ‘2-for-1’ as getting creative can bring you joy, and joy can help you be creative. So, get creative to find ways to connect with joy, but also be ready as you may get a boost of creativity as it happens quite naturally when you are connecting to what brings you joy.


Getting started

If this whole joy-thing is new to you, or if you have been out of touch for a while, here are some tips for getting started.

  1. Take a moment to journal what joy means to you…what are some words you associate with it to define your joy.


  2. Write a list of activities that bring you joy.


  3. Dig deeper, with each activity or experience.

    What were the feelings or outcomes associated with it. For example, I could journal about twirling in the grass as a memory that brings me joy. But why?  Because when I was a little girl I have fond memories of playing outside for hours and giggling with my sister as we twirled around in the sun, laughing and connecting.  So if I think about it more, it’s about being in nature, the bond with my sister, being carefree and present as little kids are.

    1. After you reflect on these joyful feelings, you can build on this and add to your list of what brings joy by creating new experiences and memories. 

      The importance of being in the present moment, not worrying about the past or future, and experiencing joy and happiness today. For example, recently I took my memories of being in nature and spending time with my sister to a new level by going on an adventure with my sister, niece and nephew to a state park to enjoy conversation, laughter and much needed joy!

      1. Most importantly take action!
        Even if that action feels small or uncomfortable, do it. Try to connect with your child-like sense of wonder. Let go of ‘looking weird’ or what others will think, or even being good at whatever you’re attempting, and just do it! Joy could be on the other side of whatever you are attempting and if you give up before you try, then you are no closer to finding it.
        About the Author

        About the Author

        Alissa Gebeke is a Guide and Healer with the Modern Mystery School, and uses her intuitive gifts to connect to each person she meets on a heart level.  Alissa has extensive training in an ancient lineage and has seen the results and growth in her life, and works with those looking and ready to step forward for healing with meditation, healings, and classes.  Alissa has a special intuitive gift and connection with infants and children, and offers intuitive readings and classes for younger ages.

        Alissa is part of an international community that comes together in a tradition of compassionate action and service, on a mission to create a more peaceful world.  As we cultivate peace within, we become stronger agents of positive change in the world. To learn more about upcoming programs, please visit the Modern Mystery School.

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