There seems to be a theme happening in the media with negative content attacking others for the purpose of pure enjoyment. Why not do good in the world instead?

Recently a slanderous article came out about people associated with the Modern Mystery School, including the founder, Gudni Gudnason, and Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon. It was written by a man who spent two years searching for a compelling story. He contacted hundreds of current and former students of the Modern Mystery School seeking comments, but he only published what fit within his pre-determined story narrative, which included calling the Modern Mystery School a cult.

From an outside perspective, the enthusiasm students show about their experience with the Modern Mystery School and the fact that we work within the realm of Spirituality leads to this misunderstanding, but the truth is a cult is the opposite of what we are.

Words can hurt. Creating content like this for pure entertainment has ramifications for the collective. It’s up to us to be discerning about what we read online – as there is so much misleading information and partial truths wrapped up with sensationalized drama to generate more clicks and views.

I’d like this opportunity to go on record by saying: the Modern Mystery School is not a cult. We embrace a core teaching of choice. Each person has free will and can make their choices. We hope those choices are aligned with the Will to do Good!

At the Modern Mystery School, our foundation is love for self and from that foundation we are able to love all beings. Our pillars are built from service and doing good in the world. Unity is our number one goal.

We are not here to tear down – we are builders!

We teach that the negative ego finds the cracks in anyone’s foundation. It’s up to each of us to peel back the layers and repair our foundation. This is a matter of personal responsibility, but again, each individual has free choice.

Yes, there are people in the world who dismiss spirituality. I can only make the assumption the person writing the story would fall into that category. Yet, if you look at the fruits of the Modern Mystery School, and all of the people who have seen real, tangible, positive results from their experience (all of the people whose stories were not included in the article – btw), it is clear the path offered by the Modern Mystery School is not to be dismissed.  In fact, the work we do is at the core of what is needed on the planet today in order to heal at a foundational level – to create peace within so we can create peace without!

We stand in the light of who we are as Spirit and choose to focus on building a home where love and acceptance of all is the floor. The walls are filled with the materials of doing good in the world and making a positive impact. The roof is made of the vibration of unity. In my heart, I wish this to be a home that everyone lives in.

To dig deeper about who we are and what we are about I recommend checking out the following resources: