Harness the Power of the Sun

Harness the Power of the Sun

Following the cycles of the Earth is a way to tap into the energies we experience and engage with our world in a magickal way. We can harness the power of the Sun and the energies of the cycles to support us in our life in creation, and to bring harmony and balance. ...
Dealing with Change Through the Lens of Leadership

Dealing with Change Through the Lens of Leadership

Lately, I have been hearing a lot from people about how they ‘can’t wait for things to go back to normal’. I have also been hearing a lot of people express that ‘we cannot go back to the way things were’. These are interesting and unprecedented times for many of us to...
The Anti-Comfort Zone

The Anti-Comfort Zone

True transformation and growth takes place just beyond  your “comfort zone”.  That means if you really want to make a leap, it may not always feel comfortable. However, the more you practice living the “anti-comfort zone life” the more...
Reclaiming Self Care

Reclaiming Self Care

These days it seems the concept of “self care” is trending, but it’s often in ways that are lacking in any real substance. It becomes more like the icing on the cake, rather than the foundation for a well balanced and functional life. As a result, that item of “self...
Reconnect with your Inner Self and Live your Joy!

Reconnect with your Inner Self and Live your Joy!

Stress…this is a word and a feeling many people know all too well. Stress is your body’s reaction (physical, mental or emotional) to life events, both good and bad. It’s a common part of everyday life. Stress can come from external factors in the world around you…but...
You Are Worthy!

You Are Worthy!

We can be our own worst critic. We cut ourselves down, and often one of the most insidious things we tell ourselves is that we are not worthy. This can mean many different things: Not worthy of love, not worthy of friendship, of a career they love, of happiness. Not...