Most of my life I struggled with body image issues. A lot of these issues started to develop in junior high and early high school. I was always a little curvier than most girls. I had bigger thighs, and noticed that I wore a bigger pant size than many of my friends. I didn’t appreciate those parts of me and even experimented in some self-harming activities (laxatives and purging) to try to make myself smaller or thinner.

Starting to Love

 It wasn’t until I got into competitive volleyball that I realized big thighs meant big power and strength. My thighs served me, and helped me accomplish my goals on the court. This little bit of self-appreciation started to plant the seeds for self-love. I started to feel bits of that come in, but it never really stayed a constant for me.

The Life Activation session started to change that even more. The negative thoughts I had about myself (or self-harming thoughts) went away. While I would still get down or a bit insecure from time to time, it wouldn’t stop me, I could always see a glimpse of my inner beauty shining from within (like I knew I couldn’t tell myself lies anymore). But this was just the beginning. Soon after I took the Empower Thyself program and learned tools that helped change the trajectory of my life. Each healing session and class that I received from the Modern Mystery School helped me to shift my thought patterns in a way I wasn’t able to do on my own.

I used these tools to generate more self-love and acceptance to attract a partner who is positive and fully appreciates all of me. He appreciates every curve and constantly reminds me how beautiful I am (on the inside and out). He allowed me to see myself the way he sees me. This gift he gave me expanded my love for myself and really started to help me heal my body image issues.

Loving My Body as a Mom

 In our culture, motherhood is seen as a ‘condition’ that we should just ‘bounce back’ from once we have our baby. Pregnancy is hard, birth is hard, but the biggest challenge (at least for me) was the 4th trimester – or the recovery time after birth when you have a baby that doesn’t sleep, a body that is not normal (or even feels like yours), and a society that expects you to ‘bounce back’ to your pre-baby self.

There is no going back. What you did was just completely sacrifice. Your body (mind and spirit) transforms to carry another human life. This sacred time is one of the most joyful and challenging things I have ever done. It also is the main event in my life that allowed me to get to total acceptance and fall in love with my body.

 My body is amazing! It shifted, molded, and transformed physically to carry life. Once my baby was out, it nourished her and comforted her. There are physical ‘imperfections’ that I carry from that experience that only add to its beauty. I started feeling extreme gratitude and reverence for my body – especially my curvy stature, as it allowed me to grow, nurture, and sustain another life.

The whole process was pure magick. I found myself thanking my body, seeing its purpose, loving and accepting it. I was even able to approach my post breastfeeding weight loss from a place of self-love and nourishment. Yes, I wanted to fit into my clothes better, but I also wanted more energy to be a better mom. This was the place I came from and found nutrition and exercise that helped me accomplish my goals in a healthy loving way.

Whether you have a baby or not, it’s important for all of us to understand and show gratitude to our bodies – even if it is just 1 small thing (like big powerful thighs making you a better volleyball player). Our bodies are amazing vehicles that we have to experience our lives with. The more love and appreciation we can show to ourselves, the more love and appreciation we can show to others.

Body Gratitude Meditation

by Genevieve Wachutka

Focus on your body, one area at a time, and send your body love.

Send your thanks for all of the things your body helps you do. For giving you this opportunity to experience the world, through the sensations perceived by your body.

Thank you feet.

Thank you toes.

Thank your ankle.

Thank your legs.

Take your time and work your way through the whole body.

Thank your organs. Your stomach. Your heart. Your lungs.

Thank your skin.

Give your body some loving energy.

BONUS: When you brush your teeth or bathe your body, stay mindful and present and send your thanks and gratitude to your body every day. Make lovingly caring for your body part of your routine.

Amplify your love for your body with your awareness, your focus, your attention.

By doing a simple exercise like this, we start to shift our perspective and allow a seed to be planted so that a flower can grow. We are all unique and are given the gift of this body to experience life. Just as a vehicle comes in many shapes, colors, sizes, and functionalities – so do our bodies! By starting to practice gratitude and appreciate every aspect of these bodies – the variety of makes and models we come in, we will be able to live our best lives.

About the Author

About the Author

Jenna Case is passionate about helping people and organizations through change and transformation. She has over 10 years of experience as an organizational effectiveness consultant working on large scale transformation initiatives and over 9 years of experience as a meditation instructor and healer certified by the Modern Mystery School. Jenna enjoys working with individuals and organizations of all kinds and believes in empowering her clients through providing tools and structure to help facilitate growth.

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