As a vet I often see pet owners focusing on their pets, but they often don’t realize how their own wellbeing impacts their fur family.

Pets do so much to serve the humans who take care of them.

Have you ever been ill or just having a bad day and your pet comes over and lays beside you? Their presence and the feel of their fur has a way of calming and restoring us.

Have you ever been working hard or concentration on something and your dog comes and barks to get you to play or your cat lays down on your computer as you work?

As any pet owner will tell you, our pets comfort us when we are ill, and console us when we are sad. They remind us to have fun when we are stressed or overworked by asking to play or go for a walk. Practically forcing us to take a needed break from our “serious and important” lives. Simply put they enhance our lives and give us unconditional love.

Healing Nature of Animals

As a veterinarian and intuitive animal communicator, I can share many examples of the healing nature of pets.

Take for instance a cat’s purr – 

Often in my work as a veterinarian I notice very ill cats purring through their entire exam.

Many causes of disease begin at the higher vibrational level of thought or emotion before manifesting into the physical level. The work done by Dr. Hans Jenny with cymatics in the 60’s and 70’s showed that frequency and vibration of sound moves and shapes physical matter. By feeding in the proper vibrational frequency we can heal and restore our body to homeostasis.

The vibration of a cat’s purr ranges from 25 to 150 Hz and impacts our physical bodies. Bone responds to 25-50Hz and skin and soft tissues to around 100Hz according to researchers. So as your cat rests upon your chest try to feel that healing vibration within your heart.

Or the healing effects of petting a dog – A 1988 study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine revealed that subjects blood pressure levels were lowest while petting a dog, compared to talking to dogs or talking to the experimenter.

Researcher Dr. Ann Berger explained in the National Institute of Health News “If someone is struggling with something, dogs know how to sit there and be loving, their attention is focused on the person all the time.” Most pet owners can attest to the loyalty and love their pets show them.

Healing Stories – I have witnessed animals helping humans in many amazing ways. Animals often tell me how they have been supporting their human through a difficult time in their lives or how they are aware of an aspiration or desire in the person that the pet wants to support them with. 

In one communication session with an owl that had been killed on the side of the road, it relayed to me it had sacrificed itself to allow the woman – who stopped to pick it up on the side of the road and held it as it died – to know there was life after death, that the Spirit lived on. She hadn’t told me until the end of our session that as she held the owl she felt a great rush of energy and connection with a higher power and that previously she doubted that power even existed. The encounter changed her life forever.


In another session, a woman was very distraught that her cat had passed and left her far too early. I saw a vision of the cat sitting at the entrance to an outdoor labyrinth assisting people to know what they needed to do for self-healing as they contemplated and walked along the labyrinth. The woman then told me that she was planning on turning her property into a healing retreat center including a walking labyrinth. The cat told me it was her time to pass so she could assist the woman with her next adventure of creating this healing center.


How a DNA Activation helps both you and your pet

The next time you are cuddling your pet, think about all the ways they support you on your journey and give a little love and thanks back to them.

One way to thank them is by giving them the gift of a Life Activation. This DNA Activation turns on their spiritual blueprint and assists your pet in embodying more of their true self. Animals generally have a group soul, and this activation starts a process of becoming more of their unique selves.

When you decide to get a Life Activation for yourself, you’re supporting your pet by taking care of your energy field and bringing more light into your physical life. Our pets are sensitive to energy, and they deserve a pet owner who is calm, compassionate, and joyful.

Receiving a Life Activation is a tremendous gift to embody more of your true self, gain clarity, and move into a place of greater hope and possibility.

According to Dr. Theresa Bullard, Ph.D., a Life Activation “brings dormant parts of us into an active and aware state allowing us to tap a reservoir  of energy and resources that were previously out of reach. As a result, we move into a state of light that helps us more clearly and intuitively realign with our higher purpose and potential.”

Dr. Theresa is trained in physics, and metaphysics and is an International Instructor for the Modern Mystery School. She also hosts the show Mystery Teachings on Gaia TV, as well as Quantum Minds TV.

As a Life Activation practitioner, I’ve witnessed all kinds of feedback from clients who have seen profound shifts in their life from this session. As a vet it makes me wonder…how might the pets I work with benefit from their owners engaging in this type of self-care – both for themselves and their pets! Based on my experience, I’m confident it would enhance both the owners and the pet’s lives.

We know our pets are sensitive to energy, and they are attuned to frequency and vibration. When we work with ancient healing tools that operate on a level of frequency and vibration, we are speaking their language and can give back to them through managing our own energy field to support the well being of both pet owner, and our loving pets.

About the Author

About the Author

Dr. Katherine Belisle is a Certified Healer and Guide in the Modern Mystery School, Animal Communicator and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

She offers many different Ancient Lineage Healings, Reiki, and Aura healings, as well as participatory classes on Meditation and Chi movement exercises called Chi Do which is based on Tai Chi.

She offers classes on topics such as Self-empowerment, Astral Travel, Stress Rescue and Sacred Geometry.