“Mom, I don’t feel quite like myself today,” my 5-year-old told me a few weeks ago. This has been said a few different times in a few different ways since the onset of Covid-19 and the restrictions we have placed on ourselves (for many reasons) to help keep our family healthy and minimize community spread. As a mom, it’s really hard to hear these words. Most days, my daughter does remarkably well for the circumstances. Like any of us, she has good days and bad days. Through these challenges, I am trying to teach her about healthy ways to deal with her emotions and provide her with ‘tools’ or things she can do to help her ‘shift’ her mood when she feels this way.

Shifting with a Spray

She loves making things and saw some of my essential oils and asked me if she could make a spray for her to spray in her room and on herself when she is feeling ‘not quite herself’. I had an empty bottle left over from something else and said yes. We pulled out a couple oils that she smelled and she carefully and deliberately selected Rosemary and Lavender to blend together diluted in water. She was so proud of herself and happy with the results, and after a few weeks of use she told me she thinks other people might need the spray too to help them when they aren’t “feeling quite like themselves.” I told her I think a lot of people have days like that with all that is going on with Covid, and she agreed.

Lemonade Stand Spark

Around Thanksgiving we started talking about the families and kids who are having a harder time than our family is at the moment. We talked about different things we could do and organizations we could support, because when you are blessed it is always good to share your blessings with others. A few days later, while spraying the spray in her room before bed she said, “I know! We can sell the peace and calming spray like a lemonade stand and give the money to kids who don’t have food and clothes!” And an idea was born. 

Adding Fuel to Her Fire

The next morning, I asked her if she was serious about making sprays to sell to help kids in need. She said yes and has been the brainpower behind the name, logo, and packaging (only getting help with spelling, purchasing, and execution). She chose the name Everyone’s Peace & Calming Spray “because I love that name! This isn’t just my spray, but it can be everyone’s spray.” She knew she wanted the label to be a rainbow because “I really like rainbows and thought others would too because they have lots of colors and beautiful shades”. Lastly, it needed to have one of her favorite shapes. Out of a list of many, she chose a star.


 “It’s not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts.”

~ Mother Theresa

Big Lessons in Small Packages

I want my daughter to know that no matter how small she is, she is always big enough to make a difference. The innate love and kindness she has is inspiring. I love seeing her mind work and how excited she is to solve problems.  I truly believe that if we can support and empower our kids, they have all they need inside of them to change the world….and they can inspire and re-energize the adults in their lives to do the same.

Product & Purchase Information

If you are in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN area, you can purchase Everyone’s Peace & Calming Spray at the Modern Mystery School MN center in Minneapolis, MN by texting 763-222-8600 to setup a time to shop. Small bottles are $10 and large bottles are $20. We are working on setting up an online selling option as well, more to come! 

Profits: All profits from “Everyone’s Peace & Calming Spray” go to organizations that help kids in need. The organization we are currently working with is YouthLink MN. YouthLink works with homeless youth, ages 16-23. It is located in downtown Minneapolis and serves youth across the Twin Cities. All profits will be used to purchase food, clothing, and other items these kids need.


  • Spray one spritz above your head and stand under the ‘shower’ to help shift your mood. Or spray in rooms to help shift the mood of the room.
  • This spray is not just for kids! My husband and I love the spray too. It’s become common in our house to spray to  shift our mood and find center when we need it too.


About the Author

About the Author

Jenna Case is passionate about helping people and organizations through change and transformation. She has over 12 years of experience as an organizational effectiveness consultant working on large scale transformation initiatives and over 10 years of experience as a meditation instructor and healer certified by the Modern Mystery School. Jenna enjoys working with individuals and organizations of all kinds and believes in empowering her clients through providing tools and structure to help facilitate growth.

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