As a community we are grateful for the opportunity to serve.  Making an impact at a local level is an act of love that has the potential to bring hope!

We raised $1,140 during the Gratitude 5K this Thanksgiving  to purchase needed items for Youthlink, a non-profit  that provides housing, meals, clothing, and job readiness preparation for homeless  youth ages 16-24.

We choose to buy items for the young parents YouthLink serves, and purchased: 

  • 5 strollers
  • 1 diaper bag
  • 720 diapers 
  • 27 packs of baby wipes
  • 10 backpacks for kids filled with coloring books, colors, books, sippy cups, pacifiers, hand sanitizer, tooth brushes, toothpaste, bath soap, bath bombs, socks and bandaids.
  • 14 outfits for girls and boys ages 0-4  years old

In addition, Deb Regan’s networking group created 100 bags of toiletries for the YouthLink drop in center, and Jenna Leskela volunteers in the YouthLink store, organizing donated items and displaying them in a way that elevates the shopping experience.

Additional Service at other organizations:

  • Many of our practitioners who are certified to offer Ensofic Ray and Spark of Life have offered distance healing sessions at no charge to people who we know who have cancer. We have a group of 9 healers who are each offering 1-2 sessions per month to support others.
  • Sarah Smriga offered 30 sessions (Life Activation, Cord Cutting, Etheric Reconstruction and Ensofic Ray) primarily to cancer patients at Pathways – a non-profit that offers free holistic health sessions to patients with life threatening or terminal illness.
  • Sharon Trahan – volunteered to lead the Max Meditation System at Pathways annual fundraiser. The event raised more than $100,000!
  • Katherine Belisle and her team collected items that are needed for the Lewis House and the Ebenezer community.

We continue to be inspired by the generosity of Modern Mystery School International, which makes an impact serving a domestic violence center in Toronto.

Together we can take action to make the world a better place!

Let us always remember: “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Mother Teresa

With Gratitude,
Genevieve & Sarah