The intense experience of pregnancy and becoming mom highlighted key lessons for living life. These lessons apply whether you are pregnant with an actual child, or you are “birthing a creation into the world,” or seeking balance in life to help bring your best self forward and continue growing into who you are, through challenges, lessons, and new experiences.

Sacrifice: With it comes responsibility… it can be intimidating if you let it.

There are a list of sacrifices that go with the physical act of having a baby and raising a child. It comes in the form of major changes: physical body changes, more sleep before the baby arrives and less sleep after the baby arrives, temporarily letting go of certain career responsibilities, shifting family dynamics, spending time and money differently than before, and I could go on and on.

The key to sacrifice is deciding – how do you choose to experience it?

If I hold on to the old way that life was; it will be challenging.

When I embrace the virtues of sacrifice; there’s an opportunity for major transformation.

I’ve learned through studying Universal Kabbalah over the course of 10 plus years – sacrifice is always part of fulfilling the “Great Work”. It’s taught me that:

  • Change is necessary for transformation.  This requires letting go (aka sacrifice) of fears, negative thoughts, and old patterns. When I do, it propels me forward in alignment with my gift of service to the world.

  • Sacrifice that is in alignment with my higher self always brings me into a space of love.

  • This love reconnects me to my own inner light and divine beauty.

 It is a gift to be the guardian of this child for this short period of time from conception through adolescence. I grow through this act of service! So many things have come to my awareness to shift, prepare, and better serve this child. It’s humbling to realize where I must let go and raise my vibration so that I have more to give to this child.

 I draw inspiration from one of my favorite poems by Kahlil Gibran “On Children”. It connects me to the Great Work of raising a child:

On Children by Kahlil Gibran 

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,

which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them,

but seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might

That His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;

For even as He loves the arrow that flies,

so He loves also the bow that is stable.

Community: Ask for and Accept Help!  

I received the best advice from a mentor, Franca Lanyon. She is a mother and President of the Modern Mystery School. She manages a team of people and still finds time to create what she desires (check out the “I am Goddess” project).

I asked if she had any parenting tips when I was pregnant with my first child. Franca gave me simple advice that has made all the difference.

She said, “Surround yourself with a community of people to support you.”

This may seem basic, but Franca’s advice stayed with me, because I didn’t like asking for help. I had always been successful doing things on my own.

As soon as our son was born, I quickly realized that I could sink or swim. I could do it all on my own and deplete myself, or I could accept help from others. It was an easy decision to make!

I’ll never forget the urgent call to my mom. I told her the house was so unorganized and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it. It was something so basic, but after 8 months of sleep deprivation I was ready to crack. She called on my aunt who is the best problem solver/organizer. They worked through the night, and actually had a blast doing it. I came downstairs in the morning and the entire living room was redesigned – new lamps, storage baskets, curtains and a new layout to the room. It made a huge difference.

Since then I have graciously accepted help from my mother-in-law and sister, who are always there to help with childcare when I need an extra hand.

I quickly expanded my community of support beyond just childcare.

Now I have teams of people who help with various areas things: cleaning, house projects, and others who help me fulfill my life’s work as a leader, healer and instructor.

What my Community has taught me about life:

  • Building a team of high vibe people, who are in alignment with helping me fulfill my purpose in life, is a game changer!

  • Everyone benefits from a community of support. It’s a piece of their joy to give joy to me through acts of kindness and support.

Self-care: It is an act of service to others

Burnout, stress, and overwhelm. It’s a HUGE wake up call. I used to push it aside before being pregnant. However, pregnancy has taught me that I need to figure out self-care quickly.

It’s no longer okay to avoid self-care and press forward because everyone suffers. If I’m depleted, what kind of an example am I setting?

Self-care is always a constant balancing act. I still swing to an extreme but then do my best to figure out a plan of action.

I’ve learned that: Service to self comes first.  When I am fulfilled; I have the energy to serve others. This enhances my relationship with my husband, son, and everyone else. Everyone benefits from finding his or her rhythm of self-care.

This is how I fill my cup:

  • Resting and getting enough sleep

  • Eating well and taking vitamins

  • Exercise – especially nature walks

  • Dates with my husband

  • Acupuncture for fertility, fetal development, and overall pregnancy health

  • Chiropractic care to ease discomfort

  • Meditation to cleanse my mind and keep me focused, productive and healthy

  • Life Activation session during and after pregnancy is a MUST! It helps me restore balance physically but also enhances my connection to spirit.

  • Ensofic Ray sessions during pregnancy to support my immune system, shift out of negative patterns and recreate myself.

I’m inspired by how well I serve myself while I’m pregnant, and I strive toward doing this at all times even when I’m not pregnant! However, serving others needs to come from a full cup. That’s why serving yourself first is key. Service to self is the foundation from which you can make the biggest impact for others.

There are so many ways to serve others. It always involves practicing kindness. This means taking your compassion out to the world through action! We progress through service, and true service always brings joy!

An example of this joy is the Baby Blessing Ceremony that I had done for our son. It’s a service that I offer to others, and I wanted to be sure it was available to him at the time he was born. I don’t even have words for how meaningful it was. It set the energy to raise him in alignment with the light of who he is from the very moment that he was born. I will be doing it again with the birth of our next child!

Don’t Give Up on Your Progression

It is service to your child. During pregnancy my pace is different than before, but my commitment is 100%. I’m not putting my dreams on hold. I will fulfill my goals because it is a commitment I have made to myself and to this child.

Our son inspires me to express my passion and live out my purpose. It fulfills me. It sets an example for him.  I believe he chose me to be his mom knowing my life purpose. I want to be one of the reasons that he chooses to fulfill his dreams. I don’t want to teach him that playing it safe is better than taking a leap.

Magick of Life

Magick with a “k” shows that true change is possible. It is creation at it’s best.

I am in awe of my body.  The experience of having no child in your arms and then leaving the hospital with a newborn is mind-boggling.

It is one of the definitions of magick – creating something from a state of nothing.

It leaves me with many questions:

How is this miracle possible?!

Who am I?

If I just birthed who I believe to be a highly evolved being, then who am I really?

I’m magickal. God exists. I am God/Goddess. So is every single person on this planet!

De-cluttering My Mind

Staying on top of mind chatter is always a work in progress for me. Pregnancy tends to highlight different irrational fears.

It goes like this…

“Wow I’m way bigger now with my second pregnancy. What if I’m double the size by the time I’m 9 months pregnant?”

My body is going through all sorts of changes. It’s natural!  Stop the cycle of negative thoughts. What is the worst thing that can happen, really?

I don’t need to engage in the drama of my negative ego. It’s actually very entertaining to observe it rather than react to it.

Instead, this is what I do when I have any negative thoughts and fears:

  • Shift into my “higher self”  – what does my heart tell me about this?

  • I choose to be gentle with myself when needed and apply my will when needed.

  • I remind myself that there is always a way. I can enlist a team of support to guide me if needed.

Physical Appearance – clothing heightens my vibration

My first pregnancy I wanted to be “practical” and buy inexpensive maternity clothes. It seemed like a waste to wear it for such a short amount of time. This time around it’s the opposite. I choose quality, and I cherish wearing it.

Clothing is a reflection of my worth. I am a Goddess birthing a God into the world!

My body is going through so many changes. I want to feel amazing during the process.

I want to celebrate my body. I choose to express my beauty through well-made clothes that support me during this pregnancy.

It seems so obvious now, but I have upgraded my wardrobe and haven’t regretted it for a minute.

Environment – my home is my temple

I’m acutely aware of clutter in my home. Call it “nesting”. Or maybe this unborn child is giving me a hint for his preferences! All I know is that I want as little clutter as possible. This is a huge challenge.

I haven’t come close to mastering it yet, but I’m trying many methods to keep clutter in check.  It’s simple. I donate what we don’t use. I am mindful when I shop. Will this item enhance my life? Will it bring joy in some way?

Our home is a reflection of sacred space. When I treat it as a holy place, I feel better. It raises me up to live in a space that feels as good as it looks.

I work with Sacred Geometry to enhance the energy in my home each week. I set sacred geometry crystal grids in our house to anchor in the vibration of peace and love. It’s a major way that stay in my power. When I feel like the house is getting “heavy” – I set a Sacred Geometry grid and it gives my home a boost of positive energy.

 I love teaching Sacred Geometry classes to empower others to reclaim their space. Life can be intense, and coming home to a space that feels regal and sacred makes a big difference.

About the Author:

About the Author:

Healer, Guide, Universal Kabbalah Apprentice

Sarah lives in the Minneapolis St. Paul area and is a soon-to-be mother of two boys. Sarah is an experienced healer and teacher with extensive training through the Modern Mystery School lineage of King Salomon. She’s passionate about teaching the art of meditation, sacred geometry, Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah and Healers Academy. Her best advice is to find empowerment through these ancient wisdom teachings, because it works! Her favorite tools for empowerment are the Life Activation and the Empower Thyself Initiation. Find a certified Guide near you.