For those of us paying attention we know that we have several environmental issues at hand. We are also becoming more and more aware of things that we can change in our daily lives to help off-set these issues. So, why aren’t we doing them?

Change is hard. We become accustomed to doing things the way we’ve always done them. We’re busy and often go for something convenient over a more time-intensive eco-friendly option. It’s also difficult living out of the mainstream where faster, better, cheaper is preached to us from every TV commercial and billboard.

Yes, it’s hard, but it’s also not really an option. Unless, you’d like to drink water full of micro-plastic, or wear face masks to help filter the air you breath; both of which are current realities on our globe.

A Squeaky Clean Conscious

Now that I’ve shaken you a bit, I’ve come to the part where I say it’s actually NOT THAT HARD. The key is to start bit by bit and keep going and working on it. It is a process. Be kind and forgiving with yourself along the way, but keep going, keep trying. You’ll get there!

There are many areas of life, well, every area of life, that has an environmental impact. You could start with your food, your clothing, your cleaning products, etc. I chose to get started on reducing my plastic use, specifically the things in my shower. It felt like a narrow achievable goal, which tends to lead to greater success. Yes?

What are the things we have in our showers: Shampoo, Conditioner, Body wash, shaving gel, etc? My first step was simply Googling things like, “plastic free shampoo,” or “eco-friendly conditioner.” In this day and age people are making some really cool products that do away with the plastic.

My favorite brand so far is a company called, Ethique.  All of their products come in bar form. The shampoo is fantastic, the conditioner is good too. I have curly hair and it helps reduce the frizz, I am, however, on the look-out for a deeper conditioning one. By far, my fave is the deodorant bar!

The other thing you can do is to take your empty containers and re-fill them at the bulk section of your local co-op. That’s what I do with my lotion and I know they have body wash as well. Give your bulk section a cruise someday, it may spark some inspiration for you.

Next on my list is a safety razor, like this Merkur one. Think about all of those disposable razors just sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Sad! As we know, plastic does not bio-degrade. We have it for life… longer than our lives even.

Look good doing good

It’s hard to write articles like this and not be a total bummer. How about something more fun, like, make-up?! My medicine cabinet is next on my “plastic-purge” list, which is where I keep my make-up. Here is what I’m going to be trying:

  • Lipstick: Axiology – their containers are made of recycled aluminum (it’s important to buy products that are actually using recycled material) and the paper packing is compostable.
  • Makeup: Elate – they use bamboo packing, they’re cruelty free, organic and offer refills!
  • Skin care: This one has been a challenge, especially since I like to treat my aging skin well. I came across the Éminence They use recycled, non-toxic, recyclable plastic for their containers. Again, it’s important that we close the loop on recycling. Recycling does no good if we are not re-using those materials.

There are so many brands out there touting eco-friendly products because of the ingredients inside, yet I am baffled at how they all come in plastic. DIY products might be the best we can do for our earth, this brand still does it for you, but you get the eco-friendly points, Keeping it Natural.

Put your money where your mouth is

I also took a look at what we use a lot of, as in what types of containers are we constantly throwing away or recycling? Toothpaste was the number one on my list, why are we always out of toothpaste?!

I had zero luck finding toothpaste that did not come in a plastic tube, so I decided to make my own! This was not without error mind you. I accidentally subbed my baking soda for baking powder which lead to a burning gums situation. LOL. And just to be sure, I applied it again. Yep! Still burning! Maybe let’s re-read those ingredients.

The recipe I use is from Wellness Momma, she also has a whitening recipe that I’d love to try. I will also add, that after 1-year of using this I have ZERO cavities.

You know what’s next then right?! Your toothbrush! Good. Those plastic suckers are an environmental nightmare. Try these bamboo versions instead. Or, this cool one that has charcoal bristles.

See! There are so many alternatives out there to explore, it’s just that simple decision to start trying them out. Just pick one thing! One. The next time you need to buy a toothbrush, try a bamboo one, then pick another thing to add into your mix. Maybe a toothpaste making party is a fun idea for your eco-friends that are ready for the next step.

We are one

This process started for me after working in the fashion industry and learning that it’s the #2 polluter on our globe, right behind oil. Gasp! I know. So, I started my own company Lighthorse Studios, a community that invites women to shine, through eco-fashion and the healing arts, so that they live an empowered life.

The “healing arts” piece was added in after some soul-searching that lead me back home to Minneapolis and into the Modern Mystery School. I received an ancient healing modality called a Life Activation, that assists you in connecting you to your life’s purpose. Part of my purpose, it turns out, is to be a healer and assist others in establishing balance within themselves and their life. For me, this directly connects to our relationship with the planet. How can we truly live a healthy balanced life if our mother, our home, is not in health and in balance as well?

About the Author: Jenna Leskela

About the Author: Jenna Leskela

Jenna Leskela is the creator of Lighthouse Studios, focused on eco-fashion and the healing arts.

Trained in the ancient healing modalities taught at The Modern Mystery School, Jenna’s mission is to help people shine from the inside and out, aiding them in living an empowered life that’s in balance with themselves and the planet, while radiantly expressing their authentic selves.