Children are so naturally connected and aware of their body, their spirit, and of the world around them.  One of these connections that comes naturally is crystals. Children love crystals for not only their colors and beauty, but for the energy and healing they can feel and sense from each unique crystal.

Children are sensitive to their surroundings, to circumstances in their life, and emotions they might be experiencing themselves or sensing from others. As adults, we can be mindful of how aware children are, and support their ability to navigate the energies around them.

As we grow up, we are often taught to numb or shut down our perception of these subtle energies. We may do this because of an overwhelm of energies and inability to differentiate between what’s coming from outside of ourselves and what is our own energy, or perhaps we’re taught to tune it out and focus on the more tangible, physical inputs rather than the subtle energy perceptions. However, if we can be mindful of this sensitivity in children, we can help them to navigate these energies, and through this awareness be more tuned into what’s going on around them, without the confusion and overwhelm.

It’s a valuable tool to be able to perceive and identify where these subtle energies are coming from, without shutting down or tuning out. This is something you can work with the children in your life to support their intuitive perceptions, and a great way to start is by working with crystals!


Children Are Drawn to Crystals

Children are extremely open and have knowing when it comes to crystals and healing benefits. Each crystal is alive, a unique being, with a specific vibrational frequency. Many children (and adults!) are drawn in by their beauty and soothing healing energies.

When it comes to crystals, Children are naturally gifted and they have an intuition or a sense of what crystal they want and why. With an open intuition, they may just have a knowing of which crystal to hold, and how to work with it. They can read the energy of the stone and connect with it on a heart level.

You might be a parent who already knows a lot about crystals, and have used or worked with many on your own. Or, you might be a parent who has no experience with crystals and maybe feel overwhelmed at the idea of trying to help your child explore the world of crystals.  Either way, trust you child’s thoughts and feelings. Take your child with you to a crystal shop and let your child go wherever they feel drawn towards. Let your child have this experience, trust their inner knowing to select the crystal that will be to the benefit of their highest good.

Ways to Use and Interact with Crystals

Crystals come in many different shapes and sizes. They can be used in the home or even carried in a child’s backpack or pocket. Having them near us helps us to attune to their specific frequency, which can support us with qualities of healing, balancing, confidence, and supporting our overall energy structure.

Common healing stones like rose quartz, are great for healing and the energy of unconditional love. Amethyst, clear quartz, citrine, lapis lazuli, and many other stones all have their own unique frequency and qualities for supporting us in life. You can learn more about the healing qualities of these stones in books like the Crystal Bible, however, each individual stone is unique, and will have its own unique purpose.

The best way to get to know your gemstones, is to connect with them. Ask them how they want to work with you, and what their purpose is. Ask what qualities they are working with.

A Simple Exercise to Connect to Your Crystals (for Children and Adults!):

  1. Choose a stone. You may have a sense or knowing, or feel a tingling when you place your hand over a specific crystal. Once you identify the stone to work with, pick it up and hold it in your left hand.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Connect to this stone with your heart. Allow your mind to settle. Notice any thoughts, sensations, imagery that comes to you as you’re working with your stone.
  3. Once you have connected to your stone, ask a question, and wait for an answer to drop into your mind. It may be through hearing the words within, or having an image, or sensation, or simply an inner knowing.
  4. You may ask questions such as:
    • What is your purpose?
    • What qualities of energy can you help me with?
    • How can I work with you?

Whatever you do, don’t take crystal work too seriously! Crystals are fun and very joyful. They can help us connect to our inner joy and playful spirit. Get to know the unique being that is each crystal you encounter, and they will help to bring more magical, joyful energy into your life!

Develop Your Relationships With Crystals

Crystals work uniquely with each child and adult.  Recommendations can vary based on a specific situation/circumstance and each child’s unique energy and essence.

As an adult, there are resources for you to gain an better understanding of crystals and how we can work with them for greater healing and support. The Sacred Geometry training within the Modern Mystery School tradition explores crystals, and how to work with them for healing and enhancing the energy in your space. 

Crystal formations reflect the golden ratio and harmony that we see in nature at every level, from the spiral of galaxies to the dance of atoms. These patterns of creation are how life grows, and are referred to as the language of the universe! It is how spirit materializes in the physical level of density.

Explore this deeper understanding of Crystals with Sacred Geometry training within the Modern Mystery School, and learn more ways to tap into this universal language, working with frequency and vibration.

To learn more, contact a Certified Guide in your area for more support, exploring the magickal world of crystals, and open the door to a fun and enriching activity to share with your child.

About the Author: Alissa Gebeke

About the Author: Alissa Gebeke

Alissa Gebeke is a Guide and Healer with the Modern Mystery School, and uses her intuitive gifts to connect to each person she meets on a heart level.  Alissa has extensive training in an ancient lineage and has seen the results and growth in her life, and works with those looking and ready to step forward for healing with meditation, healings, and classes.  Alissa has a special intuitive gift and connection with infants and children, and offers intuitive readings and classes for younger ages. 

Alissa is part of an international community that comes together in a tradition of compassionate action and service, on a mission to create a more peaceful world.  As we cultivate peace within, we become stronger agents of positive change in the world. To learn more about upcoming programs, please visit the Modern Mystery School.