The Tricky Nature of Healing Shame

The Tricky Nature of Healing Shame

What is shame? Shame is a feeling of being wrong at the core. If you feel shame, you feel you are the cause of others rejecting behavior towards you. You may often feel inadequate in most if not all situations and circumstances in your daily life. It is a rejection...
Exercise: So Much More Than Physical

Exercise: So Much More Than Physical

It is 7:30 pm on a Monday night…and I let out a sigh…as I get ready to go to my workout at 8pm.  Some days I have zero motivation to exercise, and it takes everything within me to get in my car and drive myself to my workout.  As I was struggling with wanting to go, I...
Struggles During the Holiday Season

Struggles During the Holiday Season

This is a magical time of year, filled with so many holidays to celebrate with friends, family, and loved ones.  This often includes many gatherings and parties of celebration. You hear the songs on the radio about how it is “the most wonderful time of the year”....
Perfectionism: Why Letting Go is a Perfect Plan

Perfectionism: Why Letting Go is a Perfect Plan

In a society that is goal-oriented and success driven, I imagine many of us were raised to have perfectionist tendencies. It’s a positive thing to have goals and want to do your best, but when a person will only do something if it can be done perfectly, then we...